cg_autoswitch "1" |
Weapons (Out of Ammo) |
cg_drawCrosshairNames "1"
show target name |
cg_drawCrosshair "1" |
show crosshair |
cg_drawKiller "1" |
show stats of the last to kill you |
cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"
show low ammo
warning |
cg_drawTimer "1" |
Time remaining, if
timelimit is set |
cg_drawStatus "1" |
show HUD (health, ammo, armor, etc) |
cg_drawFPS "1" |
show Frames Per Second |
cg_gibs "1" |
Gore (on/off) |
cg_gun "1" |
show weapon |
cg_lagometer "1" |
show Lag-O-Meter |
cg_shadows "1" |
show player shadow (the discs, not stencil buffered) |
cg_marks "1" |
damage marks (bullet holes, etc) |
cg_simpleitems "1" |
show simple items |
cg_thirdperson "1" |
Third person view |
cg_thirdPersonRange "40"
distance from view to model in third person view |
cg_thirdPersonAngle "0"
view angle in third person view |
cl_run "1" |
Always run |
cl_debugMove |
??? |
cl_nodelta |
??? |
cl_mouseAccel |
set mouse speed |
cl_showmouserate |
show the mouse
rate of movement |
cl_avidemo |
make an .avi demo |
cl_shownet |
??? |
cl_motd |
Message of the day |
cl_noprint |
??? |
cl_shutdown |
shutdown game |
cm_playerCurveClip "1" |
Move through
curved world geometry |
crosshairhealth "1"
Show health by crosshair |
crosshairsize "24" |
Crosshair Size |
fov "90" |
Field of View/Vision |
freelook "1" |
mouselook |
handicap "100" |
set player handicap |
lookspring "1" |
"spring" back to
center when mouse look is turned off. |
name "Inanity""
change player name |
m_side "0.8" |
??? |
m_forward "1" |
when you walk/run |
m_yaw "0.022" |
controls x-axis
speed |
m_pitch "0.022" |
controls y-axis
speed |
sensitivity "5" |
mouse sensitivity |
snd "visor" |
set sound scheme |
model "visor/blue" |
change model |
team "..." |
change team; s=spectate , free=join
game, blue or ed (for teamplay) |
zoomfov "22.5" |
+zoom, the fov
zoomed to |
System |
condump "x" |
write console to text file"x" |
con_notifytime |
??? |
scr_conspeed |
console scroll speed |
snd_restart |
restart sound |
bindlist |
list binds |
unbind |
unbinds a key |
bind |
binds a key |
win_noalttab "0" |
Disable alt-tab to
windows |
game |
Set the game (for
mods, etc...) |
version |
Show current version |
disconnect |
disconnect from server |
cinematic |
play Q3 movie |
"name" |
play demo |
record |
record demo |
userinfo |
lists user
settings |
viewsize |
changes view port
size |
password |
sets password |
configstrings |
lists the current
arena's config string |
rconAddress "" |
??? |
rcon_password "" |
password for rcon |
Visuals |
cm_playerCurveClip "1"
allows you to walk
through any curved world geometry... (for debuging, not play) |
r_customaspect "1" |
??? |
r_customheight "480"
?y - Custom
Resolution? |
r_customwidth "856"
?x - Custom
Resolution? |
r_depthbits "0" |
Depth Buffer Size |
r_detailtextures "1"
Add more details
to textures |
r_drawentities "1" |
??? |
r_drawSun "1" |
r_dynamiclight "1" |
Use Dynamic Lights |
r_ext_texture_env_add "1" |
??? |
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" |
??? |
r_ext_multitexture "1" |
??? |
r_ext_gamma_control "1" |
??? |
r_ext_texenv_add "1" |
??? |
r_ext_swapinterval "1" |
??? |
r_ext_compress_textures "1" |
??? |
r_facePlaneCull "1" |
Cull Triangle Faces (for planes? not sure what's diff from reg.
culling) |
r_fastsky "0" |
Use Fast sky |
r_flares "1" |
Render Flares |
r_fullscreen "1" |
Full Screen (vs. Windowed) |
r_gamma "1" |
Gamma Correction |
r_glDriver "opengl32" |
Use "x" openGL Driver |
r_ignoreGLErrors "1" |
??? |
r_ignorehwgamma "0" |
r_lastValidRenderer |
"GeForce 4" etc... |
r_lightningSegmentLength "32" |
r_lodbias "2" |
change the Level Of Detail |
r_lockpvs "0" |
??? |
r_mode "3" |
Rendering Mode |
r_preloadTextures "0" |
Preloads Textures to stop CPU lag |
Railgun |
cg_railTrailTime "400" |
How long the railgun's trails last |
color "4" |
Rail Color 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = cyan, 4 = red, 5 = Magenta, 6 =
Yellow, 7 = White |
r_railCoreWidth "16" |
Size of the rail trail's core |
r_railSegmentLength "64" |
distance between rail "sun bursts" |
r_railWidth "128" |
Width of the rail trail |
r_showtris "0" |
Show Triangles |
r_stencilbits "8" |
??? |
r_stereo "0" |
Stereo Split (for 3D glasses)? |
vid_restart |
restart video |
viewsize "100" |
set view size |
OpenGL Commands |
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" |
filtering mode |
gl_ext_clip_volume "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_pointparameters "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_multitexture "0" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_palettedtexture "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_gamma "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_swapinterval "1" |
gl extension |
gl_ext_s3tc "1" |
use S3 texture compression |
gl_ignore_errors "1" |
??? |
gl_driver "opengl32" |
chooses an opengl driver |
gl_finish "1" |
??? |
gl_swapinterval "1" |
??? |
Cheat codes* |
set cheats "1" |
enable cheats |
notarget |
enemies will not recognize you as a
target |
noclip |
walk through walls and fly |
give all |
get all weapons and ammo |
god |
enable invulnerabilty |
Server commands |
Set these to setup a teams match |
teamflags "3" |
??? |
dmflags "1" |
??? |
sv_maxclients "8" |
Set Max Clients |
sv_hostname "Inanity's Bootcamp" |
Set server name |
sv_killserver |
kills the server |
dmflags "0" |
??? |
fraglimit "30" |
set fraglimit |
timelimit "20" |
set timelimit |
privateclients "0" |
??? |
password "" |
set a password |
snaps "20" |
??? |
rate "25000" |
??? |
+ and - variables |
+mlook |
Mouse Look |
+attack |
Fire Weapon |
+speed |
Toggle Run |
+moveright |
Strafe Right |
+moveleft |
Strafe Left |
+strafe |
Toggle Strafe with movement keys / mouse / joystick |
+lookdown |
Look Down |
+lookup |
Look Up |
+back |
Move Backwards |
+forward |
Move Forwards |
+right |
Turn Right |
+left |
Turn Left |
+movedown |
Crouch / Swim down |
+moveup |
Jump / Swim up |