The Inanity  Clan














Console Commands can be used to change options or setup during game or from the game menu. It enables you to make changes that are not visible in the game menu. To access the console, use the tilde (~) key. In order for a command to execute, it must be preceded by a forward slash (/). For Example:

/cg_autoswitch 1

Console Commands are often used to optimize performance and frames per second (FPS) during gameplay. Higher FPS results in heightened performance. In other words, everything will be faster giving you an advantage over players with lower FPS. Remember, however, that only a server administrator may use console commands to change settings on a server.

Following is  a list of console commands for Quake 3 Arena. These commands directly affect your game settings and therefore, if used incorrectly may cause problems. So, use them at your own risk.

 1 = enable  

 0 = disable

cg_autoswitch "1" Auto-switch Weapons (Out of Ammo)
cg_drawCrosshairNames "1" show target name
cg_drawCrosshair "1" show crosshair
cg_drawKiller "1" show stats of the last to kill you
cg_drawAmmoWarning "1" show low ammo warning
cg_drawTimer "1" Time remaining, if timelimit is set
cg_drawStatus "1" show HUD (health, ammo, armor, etc)
cg_drawFPS "1" show Frames Per Second
cg_gibs "1" Gore (on/off)
cg_gun "1" show weapon
cg_lagometer "1" show Lag-O-Meter
cg_shadows "1" show player shadow (the discs, not stencil buffered)
cg_marks "1" show damage marks (bullet holes, etc)
cg_simpleitems "1" show simple items
cg_thirdperson "1" Third person view
cg_thirdPersonRange "40" distance from view to model in third person view
cg_thirdPersonAngle "0" view angle in third person view
cl_run "1" Always run
cl_debugMove ???
cl_nodelta ???
cl_mouseAccel set mouse speed
cl_showmouserate show the mouse rate of movement
cl_avidemo make an .avi demo
cl_shownet ???
cl_motd Message of the day
cl_noprint ???
cl_shutdown shutdown game
cm_playerCurveClip "1" Move through curved world geometry
crosshairhealth "1" Show health by crosshair
crosshairsize "24" Crosshair Size
fov "90" Field of View/Vision
freelook "1" mouselook
handicap "100" set player handicap
lookspring "1" "spring" back to center when mouse look is turned off.
name "Inanity"" change player name
m_side "0.8" ???
m_forward "1" when you walk/run
m_yaw "0.022" controls x-axis speed
m_pitch "0.022" controls y-axis speed
sensitivity "5" mouse sensitivity
snd "visor" set sound scheme
model "visor/blue" change model
team "..." change team; s=spectate , free=join game, blue or ed (for teamplay)
zoomfov "22.5" +zoom, the fov zoomed to
condump "x" write console to text file"x"
con_notifytime ???
scr_conspeed console scroll speed
snd_restart restart sound
bindlist list binds
unbind unbinds a key
bind binds a key
win_noalttab "0" Disable alt-tab to windows
game Set the game (for mods, etc...)
version Show current version
disconnect disconnect from server
cinematic play Q3 movie
demo "name" play demo
record record demo
userinfo lists user settings
viewsize changes view port size
password sets password
configstrings lists the current arena's config string
rconAddress "" ???
rcon_password "" password for rcon
cm_playerCurveClip "1" allows you to walk through any curved world geometry... (for debuging, not play)
r_customaspect "1" ???
r_customheight "480" ?y - Custom Resolution?
r_customwidth "856" ?x - Custom Resolution?
r_depthbits "0" Depth Buffer Size
r_detailtextures "1" Add more details to textures
r_drawentities "1" ???
r_drawSun "1"  
r_dynamiclight "1" Use Dynamic Lights
r_ext_texture_env_add "1" ???
r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" ???
r_ext_multitexture "1" ???
r_ext_gamma_control "1" ???
r_ext_texenv_add "1" ???
r_ext_swapinterval "1" ???
r_ext_compress_textures "1" ???
r_facePlaneCull "1" Cull Triangle Faces (for planes? not sure what's diff from reg. culling)
r_fastsky "0" Use Fast sky
r_flares "1" Render Flares
r_fullscreen "1" Full Screen (vs. Windowed)
r_gamma "1" Gamma Correction
r_glDriver "opengl32" Use "x" openGL Driver
r_ignoreGLErrors "1" ???
r_ignorehwgamma "0"  
r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce 4" etc...
r_lightningSegmentLength "32"  
r_lodbias "2" change the Level Of Detail
r_lockpvs "0" ???
r_mode "3" Rendering Mode
r_preloadTextures "0" Preloads Textures to stop CPU lag
cg_railTrailTime "400" How long the railgun's trails last
color "4" Rail Color 1 = Blue, 2 = Green, 3 = cyan, 4 = red, 5 = Magenta, 6 = Yellow, 7 = White
r_railCoreWidth "16" Size of the rail trail's core
r_railSegmentLength "64" distance between rail "sun bursts"
r_railWidth "128" Width of the rail trail
r_showtris "0" Show Triangles
r_stencilbits "8" ???
r_stereo "0" Stereo Split (for 3D glasses)?
vid_restart restart video
viewsize "100" set view size
OpenGL Commands  
gl_texturemode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" filtering mode
gl_ext_clip_volume "1" gl extension
gl_ext_pointparameters "1" gl extension
gl_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1" gl extension
gl_ext_multitexture "0" gl extension
gl_ext_palettedtexture "1" gl extension
gl_ext_gamma "1" gl extension
gl_ext_swapinterval "1" gl extension
gl_ext_s3tc "1" use S3 texture compression
gl_ignore_errors "1" ???
gl_driver "opengl32" chooses an opengl driver
gl_finish "1" ???
gl_swapinterval "1" ???
Cheat codes*  
set cheats "1" enable cheats
notarget enemies will not recognize you as a target
noclip walk through walls and fly
give all get all weapons and ammo
god enable invulnerabilty
Server commands  
Set these to setup a teams match  
teamflags "3" ???
dmflags "1" ???
sv_maxclients "8" Set Max Clients
sv_hostname "Inanity's Bootcamp" Set server name
sv_killserver kills the server
dmflags "0" ???
fraglimit "30" set fraglimit
timelimit "20" set timelimit
privateclients "0" ???
password "" set a password
snaps "20" ???
rate "25000" ???
+ and - variables  
+mlook Mouse Look
+attack Fire Weapon
+speed Toggle Run
+moveright Strafe Right
+moveleft Strafe Left
+strafe Toggle Strafe with movement keys / mouse / joystick
+lookdown Look Down
+lookup Look Up
+back Move Backwards
+forward Move Forwards
+right Turn Right
+left Turn Left
+movedown Crouch / Swim down
+moveup Jump / Swim up